Friday, December 28, 2007

HappY Bday TO MYSelf

wow...Im getting old lah...its my bday today..hmmm...iam speechlessssss.......but what could i say during my bday i only managed to spoilt my self wif a present which i bought for myself..heheh....guess whhat its NOKIA N95 3G...I LOVE MY NEW PHONE

Thursday, December 13, 2007

EXpecT The UnExpecteD

It was started sometimes after the Dinner last night. An Old Best friend Called me up wanted to bring me out for chit chat Azwan..hhhee..he is my ex old course mate when we were n MTssr,kind of lost contact or nya orang lama sudah inda bercontact atas alasan cinta..heheh..maklum lah orang sedang mabuk bercinta so kawan pun bertampiaran entah ke mana kah..heheh..well masa he col biasa lah Tanya kn hal masing2 and Tanya kana apa mimpi nya anak ani kah nipun aku ani.I asked him whether kan tell or invite kan kawin kah or apa kah..maklum lah orang sedang HOT HOT bercinta kan,he has been trying to col me few times for the last two weeks but I don’t know sumhow sumwhere sumtimes he couldn’t reach my line..dont blame ah its my PHONE yang problem,he said he wanted to tell me something so I expect its better be a good news, anyway after the called we agreed to jalan n he came to fetch me up.

30 minutes later he came to fetch me,dengan senyuman yang lebar suda ku tau yang my friend ani going to tell me a good news.So ku pun masuk kerita nya dengan senyum senyum nya kami berGUmbira bejumpa kawan Lama…hhhe…so the story started here…I ask how r u doin…mana gf..?and he said “PUTUS KU SUDAH di”Huh..i said dengan muka yang serious aku inda pecaya and I said EKSEn mu NI ,INDA KAN PUTUS,MACAMANA BOLEH,katanya AWU BANAR PUTUS KU SUDAH NI ,BARU JUA DUA MINGGU AH,YATAH KU SASAK NI,I couldn’t believed what I’ve just heard, They have been together for abut 4 years. The sad thing was that GIRL asked to be PUTUS their relationship just like that with the reason her family not comfortable with HIM. BUT Hello Only Now SHE told HIM about that, why not at the Beginning of the relationship. For you all info my friend ani IS CHINEse and DAT girl is MALAY MUSLIM…my friend even planned kan kawin next year n CONVert to ISLAM lagi...what AN EXCUSE jua ah..i said to HIM I don’t think that was the reason SHE Wanted to split up…after all what HE had been sacrificed for the sake of the their relationship, in term of love,money,family,religion and many more, if kan d cerita kan balik what he told me that HIM buat for Her membari sakit hati saja kamu mendangar mun ku cerita kan inda ampit orang karang blog ani.

YATAH nama nya tu orang inda pandai di untung….hmmmm….sian kawan ku..tapi yang malang nya lagi he found out from someone that THAT GIRL rupanya ada affair wif other man..F***……so whatever reason SHE gave to HIM atu inda masuk akal so rupanya atu keraja that GIRL….malang sekali …..antah lah this is what we call life, ada UP and DOWN..inda kira masa becinta kah,family kah,kerja could be anything…ani pula orang bercinta, apa tah orang yang sudah kawin pun boleh becarai barai.. Thats Scary and make me think twice to have a relationship…AGAIN…yatah ceritanya tu I didn’t Expect the Unexpected….tapi cerita di malam alum habis lagi tu..untuk menghilang kan stress kawan ku malang itu ,kami liat wayang cerita SAWIV(horror movie),baik jua bukan cerita sedih yang kami liat ani ,mun inda PISAN menangis inda berair mata kawan ku hehehe…well to my friend u know u who u r, just think positive just let it go,may be ada reason nya jua or ADA HIKMAH DI SEBALIK NYA..i know how u feel and don’t feel sad lah..u have friends here to talk and share …APA tah GUNA NYA kawan kata orang putih heheh….kawan ani boelh di guna kan bila bila anda memerlukan nya,tak kira masa atau pun tempat dan guna kan lah kemudahan awam ...hahhaahahahhaa..............

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

ConGratulatIOns To WInkY & WenDY

ConGratulations to my Our Beloved cats WinkY & WendY for thier new born KitteNs..Finally after 2 years plus baru tah ada anak..hehe..For those who not familiar wif winKy & wendY,they are loving n sweet couple hehe...we have been taking care of them since they were 3 months old n now they are 2yrs old...and baru tah ada new generation....they always together till the last minute Wendy in labor...sorry guys i cannot show u the pictures of their babies coz masih dalam pantang hehe...but for sure when they ready i will post and show you all. WendY delivered 3 kittens but unfortunately only 2 are survive,well syukur tah ah..we not sure about Jentina nya....ok guys i will update u all the on the developtment of the kittens n the next post...Meow..Meow..

WendY THe HappY MOther

WInKy The Happy Father

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

HAppY 25Th BDay To Sis DayaT

Saturday, November 24, 2007

HapPy ONe month olD To My Beloved SaRaH

today sarah is one month old,she is getting bigger n more cutier...

BabY JaRum

Kecil kecil sudah jadi mami jarum ah...kanak2 masa ani tah...hheheh

Saturday, November 3, 2007

WelCome To The NEw HOme

Hi GUys here me n family wish to welcome our beloved Niece and Grandaughter NUR SARAH ADRIANA.She is already one week plus now and yet still look cute and adorable..and cant stop looking at her for hours hehe...

Saturday, October 27, 2007

3rd Day visit

Thursday, October 25, 2007

2nd Day of the Babby

visiting the babby and her Mum....She looks adorable

My Mum and her Grandaughter

Pictures of the Babby


Hi semua peminat2 yang setia kalau ada jua tu..hehhe…well its not late for me to wish all muslim readers Selamat HAri Raya Maaf Zahir dan Batin .Di bulan yang penuh berkat dan rahmat ini ,kami sekeluarga sangat sangat rasa bertuah dan bersyukur diatas kurnia Allah s.w.t yang amat berharga iaitu dimana kami sekeluarga telah menimang seorang orang baru yang selama ani terlalu lama rasa nya kami nanti kan..iaitu kelahiran seorang insan yang tersangat berharga dan amat kami sayangi and i could say double celebration for the family. I wish to Congratulate to my sis FilaHand hubby INdrA kernA telah selamat meluaran seorang cahaya mata perempuan on 24th October 2007…nama babby masih lagi dalam perbincangan tapi ada jua yang terlintas di fikiran,either SARAH AMANDA ADRIANA OR SARAH ADRIANA well this will be conformed again and I will let u guys know vote for the name u wish us to give hehehehe….

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


This week and coming week will be my busy week, preparing for the exam practical, running here and there like crazy..heheh.. well I get used of it already since the 1st time I started working. Today Tuesday the 14th of august 2007,as usual I woke up as early as 6.00am,that’s my normal time during working days and 11.30am for Friday and Sunday. I hate traffic jam so I always make sure I arrived office at 6.45am. I thought today was sunny day but instead during the mid day heavy rain pouring down the earth, it was quite heavy with thunder and storm. My routine is getting bored lately I don’t know why. Next week I have to sit for the IELTS test, am not sure if I can do it or not. Its part of the requirement for the government scholarship where I must pass this test with 6 BAND minimum. Some of my friends have been thru the test, from their experienced the test is a bit tough and other says easy. There is not much preparation or homework to do since I don’t have to attend any class, so I just need to read a lot of English papers, books and magazine just to improve my English..

Its 7.25pm, as planned I supposed to be at shopping complex like mall or any where instead I am sitting here in my room watching TV and updating my blog . I am watching a series LITTILE PEOPLE BIG WOLD its very interesting story about a family of dwarf(discovery channel 77)for further details heheh…ok guys I have to concentrate watching this programme ..chow..

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

ItS HOTTTtt.....TodaY

I'm So Bored

Monday, August 13, 2007

HappY 19th Bday to sis ShikiN

Thursday, August 9, 2007

A GifT from KorEA

Amalan, Ajaran & Peringatan

Warna warni kehidupan di pejabat -Ada lelaki & ada wanita - Ada yang pura2 rajin & ada yang bersantai - Ada yang pengampu & ada yang pak turut - Ada yang main games & yang tidur -Ada yang suka marah2 & yang stress -Ada yang suka gosip & yang suka jalan2 -Ada yang suka merosakkan harta pejabat & ada yang suka ulang alik ambil minum -Ada pujian & makian -Ada yang ceria & yang boring -Tapi katanya "We're a team" -So be fun , enjoy your time , your work & achieve the best APA PUN JUA PERBUATAN, INGAT!!!!! KERJA ITU SATU IBADAH, ASAL JANGAN MEROSAKKAN PERIUK NASI ORANG LAIN DEMI KEPENTINGAN DIRI SENDIRI......... SELAMAT BERTUGAS!!!

Monday, August 6, 2007

AshRaF Adi PuTeRa

went to Ashraf house to visit him,lama sudah inda jumpa this cute little babby of my bestfrend,i took his latest piture my goshh he is so BULAT...heheh....CuTe and AdorabLe

MiSai KucinG Or WiShKer

This Plant captured from our garden,according to ORang TUA can cure HiGh BlOOd and or Diabetes

The PonD

This is our pond,ikan dalam kolam kami ani pemalu sikit,we only can see the fish early morning and late afternoon,we have ikan kaloi,Talapia and other species...hehe

My New Toy

Yeaahhh...finally i got it....

Saturday, August 4, 2007

My littLe CouziN NaemaH