This week and coming week will be my busy week, preparing for the exam practical, running here and there like crazy..heheh.. well I get used of it already since the 1st time I started working. Today Tuesday the 14th of august 2007,as usual I woke up as early as 6.00am,that’s my normal time during working days and 11.30am for Friday and Sunday. I hate traffic jam so I always make sure I arrived office at 6.45am. I thought today was sunny day but instead during the mid day heavy rain pouring down the earth, it was quite heavy with thunder and storm. My routine is getting bored lately I don’t know why. Next week I have to sit for the IELTS test, am not sure if I can do it or not. Its part of the requirement for the government scholarship where I must pass this test with 6 BAND minimum. Some of my friends have been thru the test, from their experienced the test is a bit tough and other says easy. There is not much preparation or homework to do since I don’t have to attend any class, so I just need to read a lot of English papers, books and magazine just to improve my English..
Its 7.25pm, as planned I supposed to be at shopping complex like mall or any where instead I am sitting here in my room watching TV and updating my blog . I am watching a series LITTILE PEOPLE BIG WOLD its very interesting story about a family of dwarf(discovery channel 77)for further details heheh…ok guys I have to concentrate watching this programme ..chow..
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Posted by Adore at 10:57 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Monday, August 13, 2007
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Amalan, Ajaran & Peringatan
Warna warni kehidupan di pejabat -Ada lelaki & ada wanita - Ada yang pura2 rajin & ada yang bersantai - Ada yang pengampu & ada yang pak turut - Ada yang main games & yang tidur -Ada yang suka marah2 & yang stress -Ada yang suka gosip & yang suka jalan2 -Ada yang suka merosakkan harta pejabat & ada yang suka ulang alik ambil minum -Ada pujian & makian -Ada yang ceria & yang boring -Tapi katanya "We're a team" -So be fun , enjoy your time , your work & achieve the best APA PUN JUA PERBUATAN, INGAT!!!!! KERJA ITU SATU IBADAH, ASAL JANGAN MEROSAKKAN PERIUK NASI ORANG LAIN DEMI KEPENTINGAN DIRI SENDIRI......... SELAMAT BERTUGAS!!!
Posted by Adore at 1:25 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 6, 2007
AshRaF Adi PuTeRa
went to Ashraf house to visit him,lama sudah inda jumpa this cute little babby of my bestfrend,i took his latest piture my goshh he is so BULAT...heheh....CuTe and AdorabLe
Posted by Adore at 7:10 PM 2 comments
MiSai KucinG Or WiShKer
This Plant captured from our garden,according to ORang TUA can cure HiGh BlOOd and or Diabetes
The PonD
This is our pond,ikan dalam kolam kami ani pemalu sikit,we only can see the fish early morning and late afternoon,we have ikan kaloi,Talapia and other species...hehe
Posted by Adore at 7:29 AM 1 comments
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Friday, August 3, 2007
Majlis ILmu Exhibation
Pictures taken during the majlis Ilmu exhibition at ICC,for more details i advise you all to go there
BuluH Perindu
Buluh perindu di percyai di gunakan untuk kegunaan melaris kan perniagaan,untuk memuja sesorang dan lain lain....
BAju AJaib
Menurut kepercyaan orang yang empunya baju,jika baju ini di pakai oleh orang yang masih solo boleh jadi akan mendapat jodoh apabila selepas memakai baju ini dan ada macam2 lagi kegunaan nya
Daun yang terdapat Khalimah Allah
Posted by Adore at 9:17 PM 0 comments
Friday The 3Rd
its Friday…yeaahhh…I thought I would have my late wake up time ..hmmm..but Not. quite Hectic today and a lot of activities done.Went to the bank to settle up few things like bills and bills….had breakfast with few pieces of bread with cup of tea..yummy….i sneak look into my sis room and she was doing her spring cleaning n I took some pictures of her wardrobe n make up table which full of cosmetics, perfumes and I don’t know what else does she has in her wardrobe.HUhhh…Girls Will always BE Girls…
Have you all visited the Majlis ilmu exhibition, i recommend to go, many interesting things displayed including the pictures of royal family but the most interesting things are the display of barang2 yang di guna kan untuk ilmu hitam dan sihir.Siok jua lah coz barang2 ani jarang tani liat hanya di dengar saja selalunya.Antara percaya atau inda atu masing2 punya pendapat dan andaian,benda benda atu semua nya ada dan nyata di liat dan semuanya barang kali datang sama ada di buat buat ataupun ciptaan allah taala…wallah waklam….yang penting nya kepercayaan,iman dan takwa mesti kukuh behawasa nya ketani hanya menyembah tidak ada barang yang lain selain daripada ALLAH…
After visiting the exhibition we went to Hua Ho Mall manggis coz kelaparan,my dad belanja yeaahhh….apa nda kelaparan dan ngalih coz we parked our car jauh at indoor stadium jus imagine hehe…we didn’t expect today banyak orang pergi ke ICC we cant park exactly at icc compound…huh..macam tau tau saja lama sudah inda hiking ahh…so then we makan di hua ho mall manggis.i had murtabak the rest ada makan mee laksa,rojak and my little cousin love the cakOi So much, makan macam nda pernah setahun hahah..took picture of her masa makan cakoi and main bouncer
Posted by Adore at 9:15 PM 0 comments