Salam....i think im addcited and craving for dim sum more and a type of person who never complain about food...i eat anything ..but yet ofcoz must be Halal...Fast food like KFC,Sugarbun,McDonald longer in my list for ages....i used to be crazy wif those stuff but eventually its end when i reach at certain age though im still younger n cute now haahahah...Healthy food n diet still on consideration..if u thinking about ur health n age then food is on the first priority...well i will talk about health next time but now let me share wif you all how addcited i am into dim sum...the best word i could use is CRAVING...or Tais Liur or..MEngidam first dim sum was wif my friends was like ages ago...i think 10 years DYNasty Restoran..and now its back in action was started last year when my sisters asked me to join them for dim sum...i was not excited or iski to have it....but once i tried one i asked for more hahah...varieties of choice dim sum..which sometimes i couldnt remeber...normally i just pick n choose without knowing the name...i dont care about remembering the name but most important is the taste....
Recently me n family went to HALal Hong KOng Dim Sum at was like crazy..sampai inda ingat dunia speechless...n enjoy guys...if u happen to eat dim sum just remember me ah hahah...
Belows are not dim sum menu but its mom ordered for her dinner n its was very very nice...KINg PRAwan Tom YUm...goshh...slurrrppp!!!!...
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